Gowanus Atlas is the collection of all the participant maps. Each participant will choose which condition to map (see Submission Requirements); these maps will display historical and/or current conditions and speculate on how they could change in the future. Traditional examples of a “map” include a flat-surface rendering of terrain, a graphic representation of a transportation system, or the result of analyzing information that is difficult to visualize, such as the human genome. Non-traditional mapping methods are encouraged, but they must be clear in their format and easily understood by the public, and not rely on the understanding of highly specialized areas of research. Maps should contemplate unique conditions arising from overlay and reimagining of previously separate information. For example, a visualization of underground streams synthesized with the combined sewer system would yield new information on the collection and release points of each network.
Entrants are encouraged to consider mapping applications, software, and traditional, innovative, and visionary methods for documenting and presenting their selected conditions.
As an initial organizing structure, five main categories and their respective conditions are listed below. However, participants may propose other categories for mapping and inclusion in Gowanus Atlas:
Underground Springs | Storm Water | Precipitation | Surface Water | Combined Sewer System | Overflows
Geology | Vegetation | Land Use | Dirt | Green Space | Parking |
Vacant Lots
Infrastructure Systems
Public Transit | Roads | Pedestrian Walkways | Bicycle Paths |
Combined Sewer System | Utilities | Communications
Social Landscape
Schools | Community-based Institutions | Political Boundaries | Recreational Activities | Demographics
Built Environment
Uses | Historical Significance | New Construction | Size | Typology
See the Resources section for examples of mapping and displaying complex information.